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Tuesday, November 5, 2013


HELLO! I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while! EEEK! Sophia was sick last week with the flu:/ I was a wreck worrying about her so it was a LONG week- we also had conferences at school. YIKESKERS! First of all, can we just be excited that the Chiefs are 9-0?!?! Secondly, I made theeee BEST soup on Sunday~ Cheeseburger Paradise Soup. Yes. Is it actually paradise, you ask? Yes. Yes, it is. Check it out: The recipe says to crumble bacon on top of the soup before serving... I put bacon in the soup. Duh- bacon is awesome. Thirdly.... we were busy crafting most of the weekend so those pictures will soon be arriving on my other pages! I titled this post blessings because with Thanksgiving coming up I've been thinking of a math craftivity to have my kiddos do. Math and blessings... how do they mix??? WELL~ When I was in elementary school, I was in Title math. I had a heck of a time understanding any sort of math operation and had zero number sense. I struggled through school and even had a hard time with college math. When I applied for this job, I was nervous! I thought, MATH?! Can I teach MATH?! I have to say, my job is a huge blessing. A blessing in fact that has come full circle. I struggled all those years and now, I teach my kiddos how I would have wanted someone to teach me and you know what? It's working- most of the time;) Count those blessings everyone! 
Have a great week and thank you for checking out my blog:-)

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