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Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

HOLA!!! What a weekend! We had our second wedding in two weeks to attend, Sophia is teething...JoY..:) and the next two days we have conferences at school! I get really...kind of weird...excited about ordering things from and last week when we got home from school there was a PACKAGE! I ordered a Nosefrida: the Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator to use for Sophia instead of the HuGe bulb syringe:/ You actually suck out the snot..yes... YOU put your mouth on the part that attaches to the tube that sucks out those boogers...:/ YIKES. It works VERY well and it isn't as invasive as the bulb syringe.  I'm working on some freebies for all you teachers! So keep your eyes posted! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

Friday, October 25, 2013

HeLlO aLl!

I am a mommy to my precious baby girl, a loving wife, an energetic Title math teacher, a Common Core FAN (can you believe it?;),  a sometimes scrapbooker and a DIY enthusiast! This is my EvErYdAy LiFe! ENJOY!